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Excerpt from the guestbook of Sorriso Berlin
The Sorriso in Berlin. The TOP restaurant for high-quality Italian dishes in Berlin - for over 25 years, famous national and international guests from the worlds of business, politics, art, culture and sport have been dining here.
Rudi Völler - deutscher Fußball-Funktionär und früherer Spieler sowie Trainer
Vitali Klitschko
Peter Altmaier
Hendrik Otto, for more than 10 years as a two-star chef at the Adlon ("Lorenz Adlon Esszimmer")
Daniel Barenboim - Pianist and conductor
Mario Hempel (left), maker of the famous "Classic Open Air" at Berlin's Gendarmenmarkt and Rudolf Schenker (right), guitarist of the legendary "Scorpions".
Actor Oliver Masucci
Hans-Gert Pöttering (former President of the European Parliament) Bernhard Vogel (former Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate)
Moon Suk - South Korean soprano, painter, poet, actress and presenter
Kevin Prince Boateng honored us - the soccer star was welcomed by Arben Murtezani
Rolando Villazón Mauleón - Mexican-French opera singer, director and writer.
Johann Lafer - Austrian TV chef
Julia Klöckner & Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer
Cult sommelier Serhat Aktas from "Der Weinlobbyist"
Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble
Wolfgang Schäuble
Horst Köhler - Ehemaliger Bundespräsident
Gerhard Schröder Bundeskanzler a.D.
Mario Adorf - deutscher Schauspieler
Creative visit from the far north Friðrik Þór Friðriksson (Fridrik Thor Fridriksson) - þakka-þér
Handball team Füchse Berlin celebrate 3rd European Cup - Fabian Wiede (right) is the only Fox who was present at all three European Cup triumphs!
Patrick Lindner - German pop singer
Appasionante Stefanie Gorgia Maria
Franz Müntefering - Ehemaliger Vizekanzler
Kofi Annan - Former Secretary-General of the United Nations
Gregor Gysi und Roland Kaiser
Probably the most famous female voice in Berlin - radio presenter Gerlinde Jänicke
Karl Heinz Richard - Fürst von Sayn Wittgenstein
Mario Adorf - German actor, radio play narrator and author
We also look forward to your visit!